What Is Mind Palace ? And How Does It Work ?

History Of Term Mind Palace :

First Of All , Mind Palace ( Technique Used By Sherlock Holmes In BBC Adaptation ) Is Not A Very New Technique. It Is Said that Firstly This method was adopted in Ancient Roman and Greek.
This Method Is Also Known As Method Of Loci ( Here Loci is A Latin Word Which Means Location )

What Is Mind Palace Or Method of Loci ?

In Simple Terms , Mind Palace Is A Technique Of Carrying Information Which Uses Visualization Of Familiar Places In Order To Recall Information.

How To Build A Mind Palace ? ( Learn By Given Steps )

Step 1 :

Choose A Place That You Are Familiar Of ( Like School , Office , Home Etc.
For Making A Mind Palace , You Need To Choose A Place That You Are Familiar With Cause Ofcourse You Will Forget The Informations If You will Choose Unfamiliar Place. The Important Thing Is That You Are Able To Visualize The Place In Your Mind without Actually Seeing It .

Step 2 :

Travel Through Your Mind Palace To Learn The Map/Route 
It's Important To Visualize The Place You Have Chosen 
So Start Practicing It

Step 3 :

Store Information . After The Creation Of Mind Palace , The Most Important Thing Is Store Information.  Without Information , Your Mind Palace Is Like Your UseLess Best Friend . One Thing You Have To Do Is When You Store A new information , Vizualise Your Mind Palace Twice A Day To Recall What You Have Learnt .

Step 4 :

Practice . You Know Your Mind Is Not Developed For This Technique Therefore The thing That can Help you the Most is Practice